Enjoy a Unique Holiday Experience in 4 Cities in Indonesia with the Best Culinary Tourism

Visiting a tourist destination for a holiday will not be complete without enjoying traditional local foods. Indonesia with its sheer natural beauty is not only popular with tourist attractions but also unique and tasty traditional cuisine. Interestingly, each place has its own traditional foods that different from one to another. This page has chosen the top 4 cities in Indonesia with the best culinary tourism. What are they? Check this out! 



Yogyakarta with its long history, cultures, and traditions, offers almost limitless options of traditional foods for everyone to this famous tourist destination. The place is particularly famous for its street foods that are often called “sego kucing/ nasi kucing” or cat rice stalls. The street food usually comes with light meals. The main characteristic of the “sego kucing” is that it is often served in small portions. However, there will be a lot of side menu options available for visitors to choose from. It is the favorite of both local people and tourists since the menus come at a relatively affordable price. Most of the time, the later in the night the more visitors come to enjoy the street foods.



Located not too far from Yogyakarta, Solo is also a popular destination for those who are looking for a different culinary experience. Just like Yogyakarta, most of the time, traditional foods made by local people of Solo come with a perfect combination of a sweet and salty taste. The popular traditional cuisines you can find in the city include timlo, tahu kupat, selat Solo, dawet telasih, and more. Even if you are not a fan of sweet foods, you will easily fall in love with the traditional menus once you taste them. When visiting Solo, make sure to taste the iconic “Soto Gading” too. This traditional cuisine is one of the favorite foods of the president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.



Located in Sumatra Island, Palembang is another city in Indonesia that is also popular with its traditional menus. Here, you can find a lot of delicious foods that you hardly find in other places in Indonesia. Visiting Palembang, you must not miss out on the local cuisines. They include celor noodle, pempek, es kacang merah, and tekwan. “Pempek” which becomes the iconic food in Palembang is even popular in most places in Indonesia. The strong taste of the food has captured the heart of many people in the country. Additionally, there are many types of “pempek” that you can choose for.



Back to Java Island in Indonesia, there is Semarang City that is also popular with its culinary tourism. Here, you can find many delicious local foods that are also well-known across Indonesia. If you want to enjoy a healthy and tasty local salad with peanut sauce, “tahu gimbal” will be a perfect option to take. However, if you want to enjoy sea products that become the traditional foods of the city, “bandeng presto” with its variation menus will be an ideal choice. For the snacks, you can enjoy the tasty and mouth-watering “lumpia”. 

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